U Bein Brigdge in the morning mist. The teakwood bridge spans 1.2 km across the shallow Taungthaman Lake some 10 km south of Mandalay. It was built by U Bein in the mid-19th century when the capital of Innwa (Ava) Kingdom moved to the nearby Amarapura.
Today, even though a few of the 1,000 teakwood posts have been replaced by concretes (above), the bridge remains intact and serves as a main passage indispensable to the daily life of the local people.
Recent tourist boom has added another significance to U Bein bridge, when hundreds of tourists, groups or individuals, become major income sources to the local business.
Project Information
Thanlyin was formerly known as Syriam. Myanmar usually pronounce as "Tanyin". It is a city in Yangon Division in Myanmar. It is located on the bank of Yangon River, and is a major port.In the late 1500s, Thanlyin was the base of the Portuguese adventurer, Philip De Brito.
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